FREE Digital Marketing Courses

Bundle of all 650+ videos. Checkout below (free) to signup

Access 30+ hours of FREE Digital Marketing lessons, advice & tips from our experts.

12 Courses, Completely Free

This bundle is exclusive to all Your Digital Future members. Once you've signed up, you will have 8 in-depth courses at your fingertips, all of which cover different key digital marketing tactics. Each course uses a combination of theory, examples and practical activities to help you build effective digital marketing strategies. Keep reading for an overview of those courses included in this bundle.

Personas - Target more effectively through laser-focused marketing and communication.

Digital Marketing Strategy & Planning - Compile insights, audits, knowledge and a plan for success.

SEO - Get discovered for the things you do. Beat competitors and get traffic from search engines to your site.

Local SEO - Improve local visibility for your defined audience to drive local customers to action both online and instore.

Social Media - Create a positive experience for a defined audience to actively engage.

Content Marketing - Create strategies that get results by delivering relevant and useful content to your defined personas.

Search Network PPC - Make the most of your marketing budget and target searches that will result in conversions and sales.

Display Network & Remarketing - Reach a defined audience at different stages of their buyer's journey to increase your conversions.

CRO & UX - Design choices will impact your success. Make sure to optimise website user experience to increase conversions.

Email Marketing - Email is more than mailshots. Develop meaningful relationships that lead to a big Return On Investment.

Reporting & Analytics (GA) - Review data, produce accurate reports and deliver meaningful analytical insights.

Video - One of the most valuable ways for a business to develop their content online.